Change Log

New in version 2.2
  • Added support for local line numbers
    • plain
    • starting from an offset
    • automatically segmented
  • Improved the PHP recipe for defaulting to PHP instead of HTML when no <? is found
New in version 2.1
  • Added support for line numbers (boolean option: lineNumbers)
  • Added a selection helper for Internet Explorer and Mozilla
  • Improved the PHP recipe for working fine with Safari too
  • Improved crossbrowser support
New in version 2.0
  • added support for a much better recipe format
  • optimized regular expressions for speed
  • moved project hosting to Google Code: jquery-chili-js
  • removed support for the previous recipe format
  • removed support for metaobjects
  • removed support for nearly obsolete features
New in version 1.9
  • Circumvented an evil bottleneck
  • Simplified the core clockwork
  • Removed the bundled jQuery library
  • Changed the plugin names to follow the naming convention of jQuery’s plugins
  • Added a new example showing that Chili 1.9 is much faster
New in version 1.8c
  • Fixed the single chunk limitation. Now any element should be properly highlighted by Chili, even if it contains many chunks, even if it is already highlighted.
  • Updated the bundled jQuery library to version
  • Removed the examples from the distribution zip
  • Added a quick start guide, with a 3 steps Chili installation, all the examples, and a simple how-to for HotChili
New in version 1.8b
  • Fixed a bug that showed up when the content of an element to highlight was not a single chunk: in that case the content was erased. Now such an element won’t be highlighted by Chili. Content without markup is one chunk, which makes it possible to apply Chili’s markup.
New in version 1.8a
  • Fixed a bug that showed up when the metadataSelector option was an empty string. Now that value is used for telling Chili not to execute the metaobjects plugin (which Chili executes by default)
  • Some minor cleanup
  • Renamed the bundled jQuery library to reflect the correct version number (1.1.2)
New in version 1.8
  • Added chainability
    • $( selector ).chili( options )… should work fine with almost all ChiliBook options
    • thanks to Stan Lemon for suggesting a way to make it happen.
  • Improved speed
  • Improved examples
  • Added an automatic option, by default set to true
    • use true for executing Chili on page load
    • use false for not executing Chili on page load
  • Integrated the metaobjects plugin
  • Exposed the metaobjects selector by means of the metadataSelector option, by default set to object.chili
    • you can now use a different selector, but the param’s name still needs to be chili
  • Improved the elementPath / elementClass feature by means of the new options automaticSelector / codeLanguage
    • automaticSelector is a better name for elementPath
    • codeLanguage is a function that gets the element to highlight as an argument and returns the language to highlight it with
    • elementPath and elementClass are still supported
  • Fixed a bug that made Chili highlight more code sections than requested in dynamic setups, under special circumstances
New in version 1.7
  • Fixed Internet Explorer copy functionality
    you can now copy source code in PRE elements transparently and seamlessly in IE, Firefox and Opera
  • Fixed the PHP recipe for Opera
New in version 1.6
  • Fixed a bug that broke Chili when a code element was empty
  • Added an Internet Explorer workaround for getting the text of a code element with proper white space when copied to the clipboard
  • Improved the clockwork of a dynamic setup: now any given file is loaded once
  • Updated some recipes and added some other
  • Updated the metaobjects plugin to the 1.2 version
  • Added a folder with Enzymes (WordPress Plugin) and its Chili templates
  • Enabled an option for explicitly turning on/off the dynamic loading of recipes
New in version 1.5
  • Changed the recipes format to JSON. Previous recipes need a small conversion. Just compare to a JSON recipe and you’ll see how to
  • Improved support for dynamic setups, by means of metaobjects, which allow a clean configuration on a per element basis
  • Improved support for static setups
  • New examples show how to configure static and dynamic setups
    • static: recipes and stylesheets linked from the page
    • dynamic: recipes and stylesheets downloaded on demand
  • The examples also show how to mix languages in the same page, manually configure a mixed language setup, use metaobjects, use a dynamic download in a static setup
  • Added an option for preventing CSS downloading on demand
  • Added a new recipe and example for pure HTML
  • Updated the bundled jQuery library to version 1.1.1
  • Dropped support for Code Highlighter styleSets. It’s very easy to convert a styleSet to a JSON recipe, though
  • Fixed a bug in the white space’s rendering
  • Improved the white space’s rendering in Opera9.1
  • Added scope protection to all the Chili code
  • Tested with IE7, FF1.5, Opera9.1
New in version 1.4
  • Fixed a bug in the computation of backreferences
  • Improved control and rendering of white space
  • Changed the method for detecting an already loaded CSS
  • Added a new recipe and example for MySQL
  • Updated the bundled jQuery library to version 1.0.4
  • Cut the bundled manual.txt to a stub (all is online)
New in version 1.3
  • Fixed a bug in the computation of the number of submatches of a regular expression: parentheses not explicitly escaped inside a character class are escaped by default, but Chili didn’t take care of them.
  • Replaced the explicit MIT Licence, with a link to it.
  • Added “?:” to many parenthesized expressions (inside recipes) that were being used just for grouping.
  • Removed the trace helper. Try the Firebug lite console instead.
New in version 1.2
  • Added two new options for finer control over which elements of the page get highlighted
  • Fixed a bug that broke pages when Chili tried to highlight a code element without a class definition. (thanks to choan)
  • Globally replaced {[82.wrap_entity(82.nbsp)]} by {[82.wrap_entity(82.160)]} to validate xhtml. (thanks to choan)
New in version 1.1
  • Added support for backreferences in recipe steps. Due to the internals of the parsing engine this was not possible without a proper renumbering, which is now automatically done.
  • Fixed a bug in the JavaScript recipe which prevented correct highlighting of single and double quoted strings containing escaped quotes.
  • Added support for PHP highlighting, with all of its 3309 functions (as of 2006-10-25), and other construscts like here documents. The functions adds 30 KB to the PHP recipe, so if you don’t need them, you can save that bandwith by deleting the step in the recipe.
  • Presented in the examples a new method for configuring Chili, on a per file basis.
  • Updated previous examples for referencing (and highlighting) the new available versions of Chili and jQuery.
  • Added a new useful and working example about PHP highlighting.
New in version 1.0

(in comparison to Code Highlighter 0.4)

  • Fixed several bugs in the highlighting clockwork, the most important to me being the one which took me to this Chili thing: a bug at the core of the parser engine that caused color shifts / DOM corruptions when a particular (but not unusual) type of pattern was used as a step in a recipe.
  • Adapted to jQuery functionalities.
  • Fixed several bugs in the JavaScript definition.
  • Added a LotusScript recipe.
  • Added some examples.
  • Added support for automatically loading recipes (AJAX).
  • Added support for automatically loading stylesheets.
  • Added some configurable options.
  • Added an optional specific prefix for Chili recipes.
  • Changed the recipe name conflict resolution policy: first wins.
  • Added the trace helper.
  • Added support for the whole matched string in the replacement format.
  • Removed support for Safari because unable to test it. (if you know how to restore it, let me know)

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