Part 1: Injections of one enzyme

Literal Transclusion Enzymes

The result of a literal transclusion enzyme is always the referred value.

Numbers and strings are the only possible literals (for transclusion enzymes).

Injection of a literal number transclusion enzyme. (number-t)

{[ 37.2 ]} (number-t)

Inject the decimal number ´37.2´.


  • Origin: itself.
  • Form: literal. — Numbers are never quoted, i.e. never wrapped inside a couple of ´=´ characters.
  • Kind: transclusion. — Numbers are replaced identically. In the internal stack, numbers are regular PHP numbers.

Injection of a literal string transclusion enzyme. (string-t)

{[ =37.2 le matin= ]} (string-t)

Inject the string ´37.2 le matin´.


  • Origin: itself.
  • Form: literal. — Strings are always quoted, i.e. always wrapped inside a couple of ´=´ characters.
  • Kind: transclusion. — Strings are replaced unquoted. In the internal stack, strings are regular PHP strings.

The ´Hello, World!´ example on the first page of this documentation made use of a (string-t) enzyme.

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