Part 1: Injections of one enzyme

Custom-field Transclusion Enzymes

The result of a custom field transclusion enzyme is always the value of the referred custom field.

Custom field transclusion allows you to move content around into your blog, in a fashion very similar to what variables do in programming languages.

By storing a snippet of text in a custom field instead of having it directly mixed with all the other content of a post, you are effectively associating a name to that snippet. Using Nzymes injections, you can make that snippet appear over and over, not only inside the same post but also outside, wherever you might need it.

You could certainly use some short-codes to achieve the same thing, no doubt. However, Nzymes injections are particularly versatile and very clean. Additionally, transclusions are only a piece of the system, even if a fundamental piece.

Injection of an author custom field transclusion enzyme. (a-meta-t)

{[ /author.=eye color= ]} (a-meta-t)

Inject the ´eye color´ custom-field from the author of the current post.


  • Origin: Author of the current post.
  • Form: custom field. — The custom field form is always referred to by a starting ´.´. The custom field is ´eye color´. Due to the space in the name of the custom field, we need to use an explicit string.
  • Kind: transclusion.

See the Notes/user_meta section of this Codex page for a list of default author custom fields you can access.

Injection of a post custom field transclusion enzymes. (p-meta-t)

{[ @philomycus-carolinianus.wikipedia-url ]} (p-meta-t)

Inject the ´wikipedia-url´ custom-field from the post with the ´philomycus-carolinianus´ slug.


  • Origin: Post with the ´philomycus-carolinianus´ slug.
  • Form: custom field. — The custom field form is always referred to by a starting ´.´. The custom field is ´wikipedia-url´. Due to the absence of special characters in the name of the custom field, we can use it directly.
  • Kind: transclusion.

Nzymes | WordPress Plugin

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