If your server is Win32, you could use the following function to put a page in a string. It’s based upon a service of the MSXML library, which installation is an easy task (and maybe it’s a service already running)
Function GetPage( url As String ) As String
Dim objHttp As Variant
Set objHttp = CreateObject( "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
Call objHttp.Open( "GET", url, False )
Call objHttp.Send()
If objHttp.status <> 200 Then
GetPage = "FAILED (status: " & objHttp.status & ")"
Dim contentType As String
contentType = objHttp.getResponseHeader( "Content-Type" )
If contentType = "text/html" Then
GetPage = objHttp.responseText
GetPage = "Not HTML (type: " & contentType & ")"
End If
End If
Set objHttp = Nothing
End Function
(revised text from my own comment 12271511 at Experts-Exchange)