Enzymes 1.1 Released Today – updated


  • the title and the excerpt are now directly supported, together with the content

  • any location of a WordPress theme is now supported


    • open the php file you are interested in (eg: sidebar.php)

    • select the location where you want the enzyme’s result to appear (eg: before the last closing ‘div’)

    • paste there a code like this

      <?php metabolize( "{[456.say(123.hello)]}" ); ?>

    • save and test

  • generic custom field keys are now supported. Just wrap your international, multiword key in a pair of ‘=’ and you are done (any ‘=’ your key may include must be escaped by single quotes)


    • write it like this: {[.=水=]}

    • to see it like this: 水 is read MIZU and means WATER

  • no bug fixes, hence no need to upgrade, except for getting the new features

  • backward compatibility preserved, hence no reason not to upgrade 🙂

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