NetBeans 6.9.1 + Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails 3.0.0 + Debugging

This fix is for anyone that has NetBeans 6.9.1, Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.0.0, already installed, and decides to add support for debugging on Windows XP.

That was my configuration, but it didn’t work properly. A debug session always ended with an error about a non existing script/rails file. After some research, today I discovered this fix that eventually allows me to cleanly debug a Ruby on Rails 3.0.0 project.

  1. Download DevKit 4.5.0 from
  2. Install DevKit as described at
  3. Enter the command
  4. Enter the command
  5. Edit the file (Ruby folder)/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide19-0.4.12/lib/ruby-debug-ide.rb as follows This one isn’t required, but I find wrong labels very distracting
  6. Edit the file (Ruby folder)/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide19-0.4.12/bin/rdebug-ide.rb as follows See also:
  1. Edit the file (Project folder)/Gemfile as follows
  2. delete the file (Project folder)/Gemfile.lock
  3. Enter the command

That’s all. I hope it’ll work for you too 🙂

15 Replies to “NetBeans 6.9.1 + Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails 3.0.0 + Debugging”

  1. Thanks! Thanks to your post, I can continue using Netbeans for my Rails development! I found the lack of a working debugger to be the #1 reason I was leaning to dump Netbeans. Thanks!

  2. Anyone know where I can get a later build of Netbeans 6.9.1 than the official release?

    I ask because this technique works on one of my machines that has NB build 201007282301, whereas the official 6.9.1 release is *older*, and won’t work with this technique.

  3. A bunch of months later, you made my day… I was looking to downgrade to RoR 2 because all the troubles with NetBeans 6.9 and RoR 3 and debugging.
    Thanks a lot!

  4. many thanks,
    i took two weeks to solve this ruby-debug problem,
    guys pls use the same version

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