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- Show hidden files in Finder
- Find and enter the folder Macintosh HD/etc
- If there is not a folder called paths.d, create it
- In the folder paths.d create and edit the file myfile, whose content will be the absolute paths of the target folders (one line each)
- Open a terminal window (Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
- Change the current folder to the target folder (myfolder)
- If you want to create the target file (myfile)
- Type: sudo touch myfile
- Authenticate with the admin password
- If the folder is hidden in Finder, show hidden files in Finder
- Find and enter myfolder in Finder
- Drag and drop myfile from myfolder to the Desktop
- Edit myfile from the Desktop with any editor
- Save the file to the Desktop
- Drag and drop myfile from the Desktop to myfolder
- When asked, choose Replace
- Authenticate with the admin password
- (Download, install and) run the TinkerTool
- Select the Finder panel
- Among the Finder options, tick Show hidden and system files
- At the bottom right, click on Relaunch Finder