See the Digg button? {[ 1.diggthis() ]} is the enzyme I wrote for displaying it. I think it’s useful to have a means for adding a Digg button to a post only when and where you need it.
Continue reading “How to Add a Digg Button to a WordPress Post”
Andrea Ercolino, Software Engineer
WordPress plugin for Custom fields transclusion and execution
See the Digg button? {[ 1.diggthis() ]} is the enzyme I wrote for displaying it. I think it’s useful to have a means for adding a Digg button to a post only when and where you need it.
Continue reading “How to Add a Digg Button to a WordPress Post”
Although it’s easy to use WP Chili out of the box, WordPress does have some limitations, like the following:
Now I’ll show you a better approach by using together WP Chili 1.0 and Enzymes 2.2.
All you need to be up and running is the classical roundtrip: download, unzip, upload, and activate.
You can start by writing a simple enzyme for automating things, like the following hilite custom field: {[ .hilite | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
hilite can be used with the following patterns:
The first pattern comes in handy when you want to highlight some very short and naive snippet
{[ =echo htmlentities( $name );= | .hilite( =php= ) ]} renders {[ =echo htmlentities( $name );= | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
So far, so good, but if the snippet has a character that WP texturizes, then hilite seems to fail. In fact
{[ =$welcome = “Hello “.$name;= | .hilite( =php= ) ]} renders {[ =$welcome = “Hello “.$name;= | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
The above issue is not a hilite‘s bug but it could be fixed by adding new code to it, or with new enzymes along the pathway, like the following requote custom field: {[ .requote | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
which makes that
{[ =$welcome = “Hello “.$name;= | .requote() | .hilite( =php= ) ]} renders {[ =$welcome = “Hello “.$name;= | .requote() | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
The best option is to add another custom field for hosting your snippet and use the second pattern: in fact hilite‘s snippet has been rendered by {[ .hilite | .hilite( =php= ) ]} and requote‘s one by {[ .requote | .hilite( =php= ) ]}.
Sometimes you have a file that you want to show in its entirety, and having to copy it into a custom field is annoying or maybe not an option, if the file is alive, for example.
In such cases you can use an enzyme like the following file custom field: {[ .file | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
It’s use is again very simple and very similar to the above patterns:
{[ .file( =blog/wp-content/plugins/hello.php= ) | .hilite( =php= ) ]} renders {[ .file( =blog/wp-content/plugins/hello.php= ) | .hilite( =php= ) ]}
For example, let’s say that you have a template called mark-template.php with the following code:
{[ .mark-template /chili-web.php ]}
Then you could use it {[ =like this= | =cyan= mark-template.php ]} to get something {[ =like this= | =cyan= mark-template.php ]}
This version is available for download from