Put a web page in a string

If your server is Win32, you could use the following function to put a page in a string. It’s based upon a service of the MSXML library, which installation is an easy task (and maybe it’s a service already running)

Function GetPage( url As String ) As String
     Dim objHttp As Variant
     Set objHttp = CreateObject( "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
     Call objHttp.Open( "GET", url, False )
     Call objHttp.Send()
     If objHttp.status <> 200 Then
          GetPage = "FAILED (status: " & objHttp.status & ")"
          Dim contentType As String
          contentType = objHttp.getResponseHeader( "Content-Type" )
          If contentType = "text/html" Then
               GetPage = objHttp.responseText
               GetPage = "Not HTML (type: " & contentType & ")"
          End If
     End If
     Set objHttp = Nothing
End Function

(revised text from my own comment 12271511 at Experts-Exchange)

Sort totals in categorized views

Notes calculates totals for categorized views, but does not sort them.
So if you need it anyway, you have to

  1. navigate the categories in the non-sorted but categorized view (by means of the NotesViewEntry… classes)
  2. create a new document for each category with a field to record that total and a field to record that category
  3. add a non-categorized view for showing the new documents with a sorted column for the total field

Here is the LS code for an agent that implements 1- and 2-

{[.=Totals of categories= /enzymes/chili-ls.php]}

(revised text from my own comment 12349447 at Experts-Exchange)

Compose in a new window

To compose a document in a new window, make a button with the following formula:

@SetTargetFrame( “_blank” );
@Command( [Compose]; “a form” )

(revised text from my own comment 12095830 at Experts-Exchange)