Infojobs usability sucks

The biggest job search engine in Spain is Infojobs. It records for free millions of CVs and any company puts their ads at a very low price.

Until recently you could use it to quickly and easily search for your next job. All you had to do was just throw in a search term and you’d got back a list of inside links to matching ads. Then you could SHIFT+click on any ad you liked and read it and possibly apply for it.

This simple flow has been broken by their new look and (aargh!) feel.

  • They replaced standard urls with javascript urls, thus breaking the SHIFT+click functionality.
  • They made each results page uncacheable, thus breaking the history back functionality.

So now you cannot read just the results you are interested in!!! You only can read the results sequentially by means of basic prev/next buttons.

One Reply to “Infojobs usability sucks”

  1. Do you have an English department. I currently work for an Engineering Company based in the UK – but we are struggling to recruit Engineers / Project Managers etc. etc. I have been given a task to try and find European Recruitment agencies who could provide Engineers to ourselves.

    Please could someone contact me via email – unfortunately I do not speak Spanish!

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