Changing ISP

I’m thinking about changing my ISP. Hurricane Electric worked fine so far, but I started to care about some things that are simply impossible with this ISP.

  • pros: per month contract, no setup fees, no hidden costs, reselling allowed
  • cons: only one database per account, subdomains not allowed, no PHP 5, no Ruby, very basic admin interface

I thought that could be a good alternative, but I’m not sure anymore, after carefully reading their site. The price announced is the classic “starting from” which I hate: it refers to the 24 months prepaid contract. For any contract less than 12 months there is a 30 dollars setup fee. And the minimum contract is 3 months. They give you lots of space, but reselling is not allowed. An interesting feature is that they allow adult content, as long as it is legal in California. has the same pricing structure, even if they say “no hidden costs”. Besides they charge 10 dollars for each domain… They don’t allow any adult content, nor nudity, nor anything related. An interesting feature is that you have to edit lingerie pictures if you can see through!

6 Replies to “Changing ISP”

  1. Andrea,

    FYI, I’ve been using lunarpages for nearly two years and I’ve been very happy with them.


  2. Normally I strongly avoid any contracts with a web host longer then a month but lunarpages does have a good rep with people that have submitted reviews:

    Bluehost does year long contracts too, good company by most reviews though.

    If you are looking for good hosts with month to month contracts my recommendations are hostgator or hostnine.

    thanks, Ben

  3. @malsup: lunarpages is mostly suitable for ‘simple’ sites… I don’t know how to explain this, it’s a feeling

    @bwb: I’ve checked hostgator and hostnine, but still not totally convinced, maybe because of negative reviews

    @Robert: I’ve checked webfaction but I really like the “unlimited databases” feature, which webfaction lacks…

    Now I’m considering AN Hosting. Do you know anything about?

  4. Lunarpages is just a web host like any, simple sites or php/mysql based each work.

    hostgator/hostnine are cheap hosts, they are going to have some bad reviews. If you are willing to pay around 40 a month you can get a vps or a dev level account with someone but its prob better to save money and pay about 10 bucks a month.

    anhosting has mixed reviews, its owned by midphase

  5. You are so knowledgable with computers. All this greenhorn can say to you is that I went through 3 hosts before I got to lunarpages and I must say that they are the best for me. They have been very helpful and I intend to stay with them for the long haul.

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