Chili NEXT on github

I’ve setup a github account for Chili, based on the github account for jQuery.

Anyone interested in forging the NEXT version of Chili is warmly welcome.

You should be able to join and contribute as easily as possible.

I’m still a bit new to git and github, but I hope I have prepared a usable setup for development.

The current source, is almost version 2.2, but heavily refactored, simplified and documented.

There are some minor differences, so that it’s not compatible with version 2.2 anymore.

NEXT version could be 2.3 or 3.0, most likely the latter.

In the github wiki I jotted down a minimal wish list.

Chili 2.1 Released Today

UPDATE: Chili 2.2 has been released


  • Added support for line numbers (boolean option: lineNumbers)
  • Added a selection helper for Internet Explorer and Mozilla
  • Improved the PHP recipe for working fine with Safari too
  • Improved crossbrowser support
