Downvoting Mischief

Sergey Brin gives $500,000 to help Wikipedia

I was reading comments to this piece of news on Hacker News, to see if I could spot an objection I was considering. I had to search for a % sign to sieve through all the comments.

Close to the end of the page, I found a comment by ajross, that was basically my objection. The only strange thing was it was almost transparent, nearly impossible to read. In fact, on Hacker News comments can be downvoted, causing them to fade out.

Downvoting is a feature created for fighting spam (and troll) contributions to user generated content sites. Sadly, it’s mostly used as a censorship means in all sites allowing it.

I think downvoting couldn’t be expected to work differently than that because it is quite easy (and often right) to interpret upvoting as agreement, and by contrast, downvoting is seen as disagreement.


Mac AppStore forces me to the Spanish site

  1. My ID is associated to the Spanish site because my credit card is from there.
  2. Now I’m in Holland but I do not speak Dutch.
  3. In the AppStore I can select the country, but not the language!!
  4. When I shop for something I want to read reviews about it.
  5. Spanish reviews are not available. (most of the times)
  6. I select the USA site.
  7. Changing country logs me out!!
  8. Now I have many reviews to browse. (I knew it!!)
  9. If I want to buy something, I click the Buy button.
  10. It wants me to login again, but…
  11. …it results in an error. (Translation: this Apple ID can only be used in the Spanish App Store)
  12. After accepting the error, I get redirected to the home of the Spanish site.
  13. Now I have to find that app again…