Enzymes 1.0 Released Today


  • a WordPress plugin, easy to install (download, unzip, upload, and activate), fully documented, and free
  • transclude custom-fields in a post or page

type {[123.hello]} to transclude the hello custom field of the 123th post

  • execute custom-fields in a post or page

type {[456.say(123.hello)]} to execute the say custom field of the 456th post taking the hello custom field of the 123th post as an argument


6 Replies to “Enzymes 1.0 Released Today”

  1. This appears to be the solution to a vexing problem.

    But, it’s not working.

    Plugin activated.

    I have a custom field on a page, titled total, and the value is currently 140.

    I use {[3287.total]} which is the page ID number and the field name in my sidebar.

    And that’s exactly what displays, insttead of the number 140.

    Could you help? Thank you!!

  2. Enzymes 1.0 works inside the content of a post or a page, not elsewhere, like in the sidebar.

    I’ll see if it’s feasible to have it work in WordPress at large, and if it does I’ll release a new version.
    Thanks for your input.

    And many thanks for your positive review.

  3. i like your plug very much, at least its potential…
    i would like to note a few things:
    as my fellow commentetor above stated, it would be very helpful if this could work all over wordpress and not only in the post (it doesn’t even work in the excerpt and that’s a shame)
    also i have noticed, that it does not appropriately recognize separate English words, only conjoined word, or words saperated by a dash or an underscore.
    in this case the behavior is quite strange: it doesn’t put anything, not even the {[]} string.
    i work in Hebrew, and while it gets the Hebrew value of an English key without a problem, it doesn’t recognize a key in Hebrew (type the string). have an idea?
    i have a wordpress based blog at
    and now i am working on another section which supposed to be an event directory, thus using meta-data for venues and other details (haven’t publically published it yet…)
    your plug, and its formatting abilities, is just awesome for that. i hope it could work all over wordpress.

  4. @ Raqefet:

    – Ill formed statements are erased from the content.
    I did it as a shortcut for disabling a statement, but maybe that was before I introduced support for comments. So I can suppress this feature now, I guess.

    – Keys must be one word.
    I cannot see the need for supporting multi-worded keys. A key is just a reference to something else, and should not have a meaning per se, except for remembering what it is referring to. Are you using keys differently? Let me know.

    – Internationalization.
    I will try to solve this.

    – Beyond content.
    I will try to solve this. Maybe I’ll add a configuration tab to the admin panel.


  5. hi,
    as for one word key:
    i really would like to use the keys as regular titles with changing values. for example: “venue” or “admission fees” (and preferably in Hebrew). i am also using other plugin “rc:custom_fields_gui” which enables to add custom field’s keys & values to post writing page at the admin, as text boxes, radio button etc. as if those are just other details of the post.
    very convenient (although you have to type the keys and radio buttons values in an .ini file in quite a primitve way…).
    the rc plugin make the admin look nice without quasi-variable key names in the panel + the important thing: when i use the template tag the_meta(), it lists (in ul,li structure) the keys and there values, when a key separated from its value by a colon. so it would not look nice if the keys are semi gibrish…
    +i understand the the different meta-data functions of wordpress also support the display of keys and enables you to do all kind of things with them.
    as custom field defined may be used not only through Enzymes, it would be better to maintain compatibility with what other functions & posibilites available have to offer.
    i remember that when i worked in VB i had to extra-encapsulate variables of more than one not underscore-joined word. is that the solution here?

  6. @ Raqefet:

    OK, I understand now.
    I’ll try to add support for more general keys, too.

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