Chili 1.7 Released Today

UPDATE: Chili 1.8 has been released


  • Fixed Internet Explorer copy functionality
    you can now copy source code in PRE elements transparently and seamlessly in IE, Firefox and Opera (try to copy some lines from any PRE in the examples below)
  • Fixed the PHP recipe for Opera


  • download all in a zip
  • read the manual
  • Example: Static Setup, where a set of recipes and stylesheets is loaded at once
  • Example: Dynamic Setup, where Chili loads recipes and stylesheets as needed

6 Replies to “Chili 1.7 Released Today”

  1. Hi Andrea,

    I was looking for the latest Chili version, and after all, I found it. As I’ve used it before, I already know how well it works, so I’m just curious what got improved till then.

    What I’d like to ask of you:
    Could you provide a convienent address for your jQuery stuff? Something like That still isn’t very easy to remember, but better then going the jQuery’s plugin list first or guessing the full adress.

    And: I couldn’t find your email adress or any other form of private contact on this blog anywhere, or on this domain at all. Shouldn’t be difficult to do something about that 🙂


  2. The best improvements since Chili 1.5 are in the fields of dynamic loading and copy functionality.

    There was a problem in 1.5 with dynamic loading: I was checking for availability of recipes before the flag was set by the JSON callback. I still think it was not a bug, but behaved like one: the same recipe was loaded many times. I’ve changed the basic mechanism, so it now works like a charm.

    The ways IE and FF copy to the clipboard from a PRE element are quite different: FF converts BR elements to newlines, while IE doesn’t. I’ve added a transparent fix in 1.7

    Ah, there is also something that might interest you. It’s about static setups: you now need to specify explicitly that you are going to use a static setup, by setting ChiliBook.recipeLoading = false;

  3. Thanks Jörn for your kind words 🙂

    About the jquery subdomain, I’ve just checked again but my ISP ( requires a new account for each subdomain. was enough but I begin to see some stupid limitations… Maybe I’ll change to

    About the email, I’m on the jquery lists 😉

    Anyway I’ll think about something to fulfill both of your suggestions.

  4. I’ve been trying to get this thing working with some very simple javascript. Unfortunately, the “trivial setup” you advertise is far from accurate. To make it easier on people that want to give this a chance, please rearrange the download so that I can unzip the chili folder into my javascript folder, add the <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/js/chili/chili-1.7.pack.js”></script> tag to my web page, a <pre><code class=”javascript”></code></pre> block, then just insert my code and reload to see the results. I tried digging through your manual, but though I could figure this out eventually, I have way too much to do to spend a couple hours trying to unravel what should be SIMPLE.

    And where the hell is the “chilibook”? There is no file in the zip with that name! How are you supposed to set configuration options?

    I think you’re too smart for your own good. Make this work without ANY configuration at all and you will have a lot more happy users – then all of your hard work won’t have been for nothing!

  5. @Frustrated,

    I use to provide examples with each release. If you unzip the distribution package in any folder into your web server (localhost too) and just open an example in your browser it should work without any configuration.

    And if you look inside the HTML of an example you will see that there is minimal or no configuration at all. This should be enough for saying that Chili’s setup IS trivial.

    You won’t find any file called ChiliBook because ChiliBook is not a file, but a configuration object. In the example “examples-dynamic.html” there is this configuration snippet (no more than this):

    <!– global Chili settings –>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    ChiliBook.recipeFolder = “chili/”;
    ChiliBook.stylesheetFolder = “chili/”;

    And if you compare with the example “examples-static.html” you’ll see that there there is no configuration at all. In its place there is the following:

    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”chili/recipes.css”/>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”chili/recipes.js”></script>

    Keep on comparing and you’ll master Chili in 20 minutes 🙂

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