Enzymes 2.0 Released Today

Enzymes is a WordPress Plugin for retrieving properties and custom fields of posts, pages, and authors, right into the visual editor of posts and pages, and everywhere else.

I’m releasing now Enzymes 2.0 which is quite a step forward. The features are

  • a new syntax for retrieving properties of posts, pages, and authors; as well as the old syntax for custom fields
  • a new syntax for identifying posts and pages by means of their slugs; as well as the old syntax with their numbers
  • a new elaborate method allowing for an easier processing of indirect arguments
  • a new merging method helping at crafting how the pathway is built by evaluation enzymes
  • slash and backslash templating uniformly supported by transclusion and evaluation enzymes
  • a cleaner code
  • a new manual
  • new examples
A WordPress Plugin

This version is available for download from wordpress.org

The previous version

I released Enzymes 1.2 one year ago from mondotondo.com, and re-released it as version 1.3 one month ago from wordpress.org. Both were almost the same thing. Here are the only differences:

  • updated the description header, accounting for the new address (notelog.com)
  • removed the signals to my server for activation / deactivation of the plugin
  • packaged as a wordpress plugin, available for download from wordpress.org

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