Here is the last version of the XHTML recipe, which now supports name spaces (thanks to Manfred for pointing out the issue)
{[.recipe /enzymes/chili-js.php]}
Andrea Ercolino, Software Engineer
Syntax highlighter based on jQuery
Here is the last version of the XHTML recipe, which now supports name spaces (thanks to Manfred for pointing out the issue)
{[.recipe /enzymes/chili-js.php]}
Another little improvement for the HTML recipe. This time is for properly highlighting attributes whose name contains a dash, like “http-equiv”. I also touched the tag rule, so that the DOCTYPE is recognized now:
Chili Recipe for the XHTML language
Version: 1.5b - 2007/02 -
Copyright (c) 2006 Andrea Ercolino
steps: {
mlcom : { exp: /<!--(?:.|n)*?-->/ }
, tag : { exp: /(?:<!?w+)|(?:>)|(?:</w+>)|(?:/>)/ }
, aname : { exp: /s+[w-]+(?=s*=)/ }
, avalue: { exp: /(["'])(?:(?:[^1\]*?(?:11|\.))*[^1\]*?)1/ }
, entity: { exp: /&[w#]+?;/ }
Some days ago I discovered that an HTML tag can have attributes whose values span multiple lines. This is very useful when the value is a piece of javascript code, which in fact is immune to white space.
The HTML recipe I bundled to Chili 1.5 is a bit wrong, though, because it doesn’t consider that possibility. This is one that does:
Chili Recipe for the HTML language
Version: 1.5a - 2007/02 -
Copyright (c) 2006 Andrea Ercolino
steps: {
mlcom : { exp: /<!--(?:.|n)*?-->/ }
, tag : { exp: /(?:<w+)|(?:>)|(?:</w+>)|(?:/>)/ }
, aname : { exp: /s+w+(?=s*=)/ }
, avalue: { exp: /(["'])(?:(?:[^1\]*?(?:11|\.))*[^1\]*?)1/ }
, entity: { exp: /&[w#]+?;/ }