HTML Recipe: Dashed Attributes

Another little improvement for the HTML recipe. This time is for properly highlighting attributes whose name contains a dash, like “http-equiv”. I also touched the tag rule, so that the DOCTYPE is recognized now:

Chili Recipe for the XHTML language

Version: 1.5b - 2007/02 -

Copyright (c) 2006 Andrea Ercolino

	steps: {
		  mlcom : { exp: /<!--(?:.|n)*?-->/ }
		, tag   : { exp: /(?:<!?w+)|(?:>)|(?:</w+>)|(?:/>)/ }
		, aname : { exp: /s+[w-]+(?=s*=)/ }
        , avalue: { exp: /(["'])(?:(?:[^1\]*?(?:11|\.))*[^1\]*?)1/ }
		, entity: { exp: /&[w#]+?;/ }

HTML Recipe: Multiline Attributes

Some days ago I discovered that an HTML tag can have attributes whose values span multiple lines. This is very useful when the value is a piece of javascript code, which in fact is immune to white space.

The HTML recipe I bundled to Chili 1.5 is a bit wrong, though, because it doesn’t consider that possibility. This is one that does:

Chili Recipe for the HTML language

Version: 1.5a - 2007/02 -

Copyright (c) 2006 Andrea Ercolino

	steps: {		
		  mlcom : { exp: /<!--(?:.|n)*?-->/ }
		, tag   : { exp: /(?:<w+)|(?:>)|(?:</w+>)|(?:/>)/ }
		, aname : { exp: /s+w+(?=s*=)/ }
        , avalue: { exp: /(["'])(?:(?:[^1\]*?(?:11|\.))*[^1\]*?)1/ }
		, entity: { exp: /&[w#]+?;/ }