HotChili 1.2 Released Today

Known Issues
  • Sometimes a website ( uses an old version of Prototype that makes jQuery fail even if jQuery.noConflict() is used.
  • Sometimes a browser (IE7) cannot load all needed modules in the given sequence, and you get some JavaScript errors.
    Fix: reload the page and click the bookmarklet again (now the modules will be loaded from your browser cache).

HotChili as a Bookmarklet

HotChili is now this bookmarklet: HotChili.

Previous release was for Firefox plus GreaseMonkey, but as a bookmarklet you can use it from any browser.

Known issues

Sometimes a browser (IE) cannot load all needed modules in sequence, and you get some javascript errors. The simple fix is to reload the page and click the bookmarklet again. From now on the modules should be available in the browser cache.